Journal of Basic and Clinical Reproductive Sciences

Journal of Basic and Clinical Reproductive Sciences
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Indications for Ovarian Tissue Cryopreservation in Improved Blastocyst Stage Outcomes and Preservation of Future Gametes, Embryos and Ovarian Tissues

Author(s): Mohamed Zarqaoui, Noureddine Louanjli, Wassym R Senhaji, Aya Al-Ibraheemi, Romaissa Boutiche, Naima El-Yousfi, Mohammed Ennaji, Ritu S. Santwani, Mustafa Zakaria

Scientific advances in fertility preservation in recent years; the results have been of great importance in preserving fertility in women, especially in patients exposed to conditions harmful to fertility. Thus, cryopreservation of human gametes, embryos and ovarian tissues has become an essential part of assisted reproduction. This approach limits the number of embryos transferred, while additional eggs and/or embryos can be used for subsequent treatment cycles. There are concerns about this and among them; cryopreservation reduces the potential risk of hyper stimulation syndrome. Cryopreservation is carried out by two techniques; the method of slow freezing, the last of which is a procedure called the vitrification technique. In recent times due to the success and simplicity of glazing, the balance between these two methods of glazing has changed. The use of the slow freezing method has become controversial due to its difficulties, expense, and low success rates in artificial reproduction. Therefore, vitrification always seems to win meager, without provoking a failure of artificial reproduction and in the future cryopreservation will be the most interesting method in the world.

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